PGTandem is a dynamic team that organizes for groups or companies with a desire for adventure, to try their limits and to experience something new, such inspirational and recreational activities as tandem paragliding.

In 2005 I obtained the certificate of paragliding pilot in one of the best paragliding schools in Hungary. My career is dedicated to professional tandem and distance flying, accumulating over one thousand flight hours and hundreds of passengers.My activity as a tandem pilot has been carried out in several European countries, even in Asia, specifically Nepal. Since 2010 I have been successfully operating in my native country of Romania, flying with passengers in general in the Trascaului Mountains.

Why choose us

Tandem flight is fascinating for pilot as well, because he can offer the passenger an experience that other people just dream of: flying together with the birds, in the clouds, etc.

Passion 0
Experience 0
Professionalism 0
Safety 0
Tandem pilot

TRY A NEW ADVENTURE: paragliding tandem!


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